In 2015, the Heritage Council awarded funding towards a project entitled ‘A new timeline for Rosscarbery, featuring the 1755 tsunami’. The beneficiary was Rosscarbery and District Historical Society and the Project Manager was the [email protected]. Co-workers were Gill Boazman, Archaeologist, and William Helps, Artist. The environmental history of town and estuary was interpreted at three stages:
- In the early medieval period.
- Following the Lisbon Earthquake in 1755.
- At the beginning of the nineteenth century when the estuary was divided by the main causeway (1809 – 1814). The causeway was part of the Post Office road between Cork and Skibbereen, and like some recent major developments was controversial. For a short resumeé of the story see

A recent publication by the editor. Anthony Beese, ‘Rosscarbery: landscape and people’. Rosscarbery Past and Present, 19 (2017), 113-120. This article discusses the prehistoric and medieval landscape of Rosscarbery and district, and the people that came to live there.
Dramatic licence! The poster, shown right is by William Helps. It was used to advertise a series of lectures at the Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery. An audience of around 125 people attended lectures that included aspects of geology, geography, history and heritage. The ultimate objective is a full reconstruction of the impact of the Lisbon Earthquake on Ireland, presented as a book.